Posted in Book Tags, Book Tags and Challenges, Bookish Stuff, Tags

The 2021 Book Tag! ft. mood swings~


I’m pretty sure you don’t want another person telling you how fast this year slipped by, so I’m not going to do that-

Hey Pals!! Today, I’ll be reviewing my year in book by doing The 2021 Book Tag! I was tagged by Ashmita @ the fictional journal. Thanks for the tag, lah! Usually, I don’t get to tags so quickly, but this one sounded so cool and the time is perfect to do it too!

I managed to read 60 books this year 😭. 60 is not bad considering my goal was only of 50 and this year was a little hectic, but almost all my reader friends read around 100 😭. My friends suck 😭.

I need new friends 🙂.

But I did read 33 of them as audiobooks 🤩, which makes me so happy 🤩! So now enough ranting 🤩, I’m gonna shut up 🤩, so we can get started 🤩!!

Talk about mood swings 🙂.

The Rules 🤩:

  • Link back to the original creator, Phoenix @Books With Wings
  • Thank the person who tagged you
  • Answer all the questions
  • Tag at least 3 people
  • While the events covered in this tag are mainly centered around the going-ons in the United States of America, if you live in another country feel free to add another question or two to this tag that you think goes with an important event that happened elsewhere!
  • PLEASE NOTE: While this tag discusses events that happened in 2021, it does not at all need to be completed in 2021. This is NOT a time-restricted tag and you may do it whenever you want. (you also do not need to talk about books that you read in 2021! It can be books you read whenever!)
  • Some of these questions are rather vague; these are totally up for interpretation!

1: A sequel that did not live up to expectations

The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson. This is the sequel to The Kiss of Deception, and compared to the first book, it was a huge letdown. It wasn’t bad in any way, but it wasn’t all that interesting, and it was so slow! I did like the fact that so much focus was laid on the world-building and character depictions, but I really care more for a fast pace and plot than all of this, so yeah, I was a little disappointed.

2: A book where everything immediately went badly

I’ll go with the same answer as Ashmita- A Reaper at the Gates. This is the third book in the Ember Quartet series by Sabaa Tahir, and God, it was brutal! The final book wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine either, but I still remember this one affecting me the most.

3: A book where things seemed to change for the better

How about every single contemporary romance novel out there ?¿

I’m not kidding. Almost every contemporary romance novel I read had this happily ever after sort of ending 🤨, which used to be fun until I got bored of it. So I don’t have a specific answer for this.

4: A book where some kind of science thing plays a role

Uh, I haven’t read many. But Extras by Scott Westerfeld is a scifi dystopian, and it had various technological stuff in it, that is related to science, hehe.

5: A book with sports or some competition

The Maze Runner by James Dashner. I mean…runner? Minho and Thomas were runners, they did what? They ✨ran✨. And running is a sport.

6: A book with a terrifying plot twist

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. I do think that the plot twist wasn’t a very clever thing for the author to do, but had it not been for that, this book would’ve been one of my least favourites, and as much as I wasn’t a fan of that twist, it was indeed very shocking and I’m guilty of not finding it that bad.

7: A book with amazing side characters

Unravel Me by Taherah Maffi. Apart from the main character- Juliette, pretty much every character in this book was awesome. Especially Kenji! Everybody was overshadowed by Kenji 🤩.

8: A book with huge consequences to actions/events

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. If you’ve read this book, you know what happened in Miles’ past that made him so opposed to ever falling in love, and that is something that I consider to be a huge consequence of an a event.

I tag:

  1. Hermione @ Portable Magic
  2. Naemi @ A Book Owl’s Corner
  3. Rayna @ Ray’s Realm
  4. Anoushka @ Dipped in Ink
  5. Cherry @ Cherry Blossom Books
  6. Line @ First Line Reader
  7. You!! If you enjoyed reading this and would love to give it a shot go for it. I tag you.

That’s all! I hope you enjoyed reading this! Let me know a novel that did not live up to your expectations this year, down in the comments 😀.


Welcome to my site where I talk about all things bookish and from time to time, put my writing skills to test.

36 thoughts on “The 2021 Book Tag! ft. mood swings~

  1. 60 books is amazing!! My goal was 30 and I only managed to do 22. 🙈

    A book that didn’t live upto my expectations – ‘I’ve got your number’ by Sophie Kinsella. Read it as a light read filler book and it annoyed me A LOT – so unrealistic and written for primarily teenagers (I think).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s okay, we’re all a little unsatisfied, aren’t we 😂.
      Oh, i see. Maybe I’ll like that book since I’m a teenager, but I’ve never heard of it before so well.


  2. I love how logical your explanation is for why The Maze Runner is a sports book 😂 Also, thanks so much for the tag! I’m honestly not sure whether I’ll still be able to squeeze it in this year, but I guess we’ll see 😁
    Merry Christmas, Nehal! 🎄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed, I’m a very rational and logical person, aren’t I? 😇
      And pleasure! And the creator mentioned that the tag can be done after 2021 so you still have ample of time 😆.
      Merry Christmas to you too! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey, here I’m your new friend who’s read less than 60 books this year. And the book there wasn’t any book that didn’t live up to my expectations but I read the first of a trilogy “The Immortals of Meluha” and I’m stuck on a serious cliffhanger. I hope I find a way to get the second book before I forget the series of events in the first one 👀
    Ho, ho, ho!Merry Christmas by the way…🌝

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I am in love with the whole uglies series!
    Everything from how she fought, to how she changed, and everything!
    (I am being cryptic coz spoilers😬)

    60 is a good number mistress! Especially with the icse council going crazy over this batch
    Btw, have u seen the sem2 specimen?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know right! Same! Tally is like the best protagonist 😍.
      Thanks 😂. ICSE is crazy, I don’t trust them anymore.
      And no I haven’t, I heard people’s self esteem got very lowered seeing that, did you?
      And sorry for the late reply, I missed the comment somehow..😅

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ah 60 books is still amazing, and 33 as audiobooks?? Woah, mad respect!! Indeed, all of the Ember in the Ashes books are terrifyingly crazy rides, Sabaa Tahir does not give the characters a break at all, especially Sky (*trauma flashbacks*). And I’m SO happy to hear about Kenji, I’m only at book 1 of the series hehe but he’s my favourite character! Anyway, great post as always, a belated christmas and happy end of the year to you! <33

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, thanks a lot! 😃
      I know right! Tahir got so brutal as the series progressed.
      I left the shatter me series after book 3 because it got kinda…cringey 😬. But I hope you enjoy it!
      Same to you, Cherelle!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. *realising I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned above…*
    My Goodreads goal was 50 too! (I think I read 56 but thought that 50 was a very pretty number so I didn’t add all the books I read this year🙃)
    And you seriously listened to 33 audiobooks❓I’ve listened to zero 😂😬. And thanks for tagging me btw 😊💛

    Liked by 1 person

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