Posted in Awards, Tags

The Aesthete Blogger Award

Yes, I’m doing this award, and you’ll be delighted to know that I don’t even know what the word “aesthete” means 😃.

Hey Pals!! Today, I’m doing The Aesthete Blogger Award. I was nominated by the ✨creator✨ Ashmita @ the fictional journal herseld, and also my Priyamvada @ #DiscoverYou and Betty @ The box of Wonder!. And since I like the sound of the word “aesthete”, I am going to do this tag (oh btw, I still didn’t google what the word means). Thanks for the tag, guys, do check out these blogs because they have fabulous content!

The Rules:

  • Use the official logo/graphic of the award and display it on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Show some love to the one who nominated you!
  • Mention the creator (Asmita@ the Fictional Journal) and link it back to the original post.
  • Tell me a something about this world that you admire.
  • What is your favourite form of creativity?
  • Nominate 7 lovely people and notify them by commenting on their posts; spread some love!
  • Ask your nominees 4 questions.
  • Share something you created. (can be anything!)
  • And lastly, just so you know: I LOVE YOUR CREATIONS!

Asmita’s Questions:

1: What colour is your soul?

I took this quiz on Buzzfeed to find this out, and they said blue. Hehe, that’s my favorite color too! Apparently, “I have an honorable soul and I strive to always do what’s right.” 😇

2: Think about your happiest memory. Then tell me the book/song that you are reminded of?

Okay so, my sister got married recently. And her marriage was of two days, and it was in Ranthambore (a place in Rajasthan, India). And I literally had the time of my life. If I could live any moment of my life again, it would be those days. It was so good! I was so confident about my looks, my clothes, my demeanour, and just about everything.

The book this reminds me of is The Selection by Kiera Cass, because America had to wear all these gorgeous outfits just like I did 😍.

3: Finish the sentence: once upon a time, there lived a turtle in…

…a shell, but you see, the shell was a tad bit too hard for the turtle to be able to break through, so he was never able to hatch because he suffocated to death before even being born.

This is called dark humor, kids. 🙂

4: Do you have an aesthetic?/What is your favourite aestheitc?

Oh, so that’s what you meant by aesthete!! Anyways, after doing lots of research, I think I might fit under either the light academia aesthetic or the indiecore, I am not sure.

Priyamvada’s Questions

1: How would you describe yourself in three words?

I’m an apple.

2: As per you, what’s the best part about being a kid?

Being ignorant. Half the times, you just don’t know what is happening around you, you’re not worrying about making memories or thinking about moments slipping away in seconds, you’re just…living.

3: What memory makes you feel the most nostalgic?

My sister’s wedding, hehe.

4: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

I am a little insecure about my body, not gonna lie. So, I would change my constant worrying about how I look, etc etc.

Betty’s Questions

1: When do you usually listen to songs?

When I’m hanging upside down from the chandelier-

Heh, no. I have no particular time. I listen whenever I feel like it.

2: Which book would you recommend to people who don’t read books?

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

This was an addicting read, and it can leave a good impact on you, the kind of impact that you don’t even realize hit you until after a long time has gone since you finished it. It’s got mystery, drama, romance, and overall, it does a great job in depicting the ugly reality of life.

3: What would be your site’s name if not what it is now.

Books and Words, because my genius brain did the mistake of naming my blog that once.

4: What are you obsessed with?

Books, as if you didn’t know that already. But apart from the usual answer, I’m also obsessed with…um…with uh…um…eh, I can’t think of anything other than apples 😒.

I tag:

  1. Kira @ Kira Jeanette
  2. Sep @ Bookishly Yours
  3. Dhriti @ The Tomboy Diaries
  4. Simran @ Far From Perfect
  5. Devangi @ Just penning down my thoughts
  6. Harini @ Book Spiral
  7. You! If you want to do this award, go for it! I can’t wait to read your answers, so I tag you!!

My questions:

  1. What’s a stereotypical assumption people have of you?
  2. Who was the last person you told a secret to?
  3. If somebody gave you a million dollars to spend for 24 hours, what would you do with that money?
  4. Finish the sentence: I looked at the man in the frock…

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed it? Let me know what you would do if you were given a million dollars for a day, in the comments 😀.


Welcome to my site where I talk about all things bookish and from time to time, put my writing skills to test.

61 thoughts on “The Aesthete Blogger Award

  1. I’m that person who just tries to disappear during weddings because…oh well I don’t know myself…but usually i love weddings because i get to wear all these super nice dresses and can we talk about the FOOD?? That is the main reason i just go to weddings 🤣
    And you are an apple?? But i thought you loved eating apples?? I guess i dont know.
    Honorable soul and strives to do whats right? Have you forgotten you just murdered a turtle?? But i dont know the turtle so im not feeling sorry for it- ooops
    Btw that was a fun post to read !!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. fOoD, that’s seriously the best part about weddings.

      And yes Nehal, how could a honourable soul kill a poor turtle but it was funny in a dark way😄

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I devour food during weddings 🤣.
      I’m both 😇.
      I didn’t “murder” him, I just made up a story and told a tale…twas fiction 😗.
      You’re not so honorable eaither, you don’t feel bad for the turtle 😂.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hohoho…i don’t feel bad for the turtle because I Don’t KNOW the turtle😂
        Aaah food…it is always like really good on weddings and i dont know why🤷‍♀️
        Well in the fiction turtle story, he died right…and who wrote it? You. .so you did murder him because the story was a PRODUCT OF YOUR IMAGINATION and the turtle died and you made the turtle die in the story so indirectly you did🙃

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Anyway on a completely unrelated note. A person (let’s call him A) ask a stranger (let’s call her S)

        A- Excuse me, but do you know the quickest way to get to the hospital?
        S- Just stand in the middle of a busy road🙂✨

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Indian wedding are always fun!(unless a few relatives start meddling in your academics)

    Mistress Apple was an apple. She loved apples and thus ate herself. As a result she died. 🙃🙂 talk about dark humour.

    But yours was seriously good🤣🤣

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ahhh I am soo glad you did this and yes,I too have some of my best memories from the weddings of people whom I have actually…never…even met 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I remember going to only one wedding in my entire life, and well that… didn’t go so well. I’m not a huge fan of weddings (OKAY, SEE, THE THING WAS – I was only there for the FOOD, but unfortunately the food didn’t live up. It was not bad exactly, but… hahaha, never mind. Point is, it was NOT NICE 😤) and the music was so loud, and gah SO. MANY. PEOPLE. and plus you need to dress up. I prefer my home, thank you.

    Nehal, I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE HIDING DARK SECRETS such as you being an apple, I have finally been proven right!!
    AND THAT STORY – ha hahahahaha.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. God ! that best part about being a kid hit me hard that is so trueeeeee!!!!!!!! we just say live in the moment, make memories but we just always try to do that…that hit me so hard🥺🥺🥺🥺really loveddd this one..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thenkoo thenkoo 🥺.
      And I know right!! It’s like we get so worried about living our live to the fullest that we end up not living it at all…if that makes sense, lol.


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