Posted in Book Tags, Book Tags and Challenges, Bookish Stuff

The Animal Crossing Book Tag |what is this even supposed to be 🤨?|

Ignore that weird title, and ignore me. I just have no clue as to what this “animal crossing” is supposed to be. It’s a game apparently? Seriously, no idea. When I hear the phrase “animal crossing”, I start thinking of biology and…and hybrids and reproduction and… you know…but let’s not go there 👀.

Hey Pals!! Today, I am doing The Animal Crossing Book Tag. I was tagged by the lovely Claudia @ Claudia Reads Books. And it sounded really fun! Thanks a lot Claudia for tagging me 😄. Guys, go check out her amazing site, filled with fun book-tags, reviews and much more. She is on a hiatus right now though. As for the tag, let’s begin!!

The Rules:

  • Please link back to the original creator of the tag, Bookish Things and Tea.
  • Answer the following Animal Crossing themed book questions.
  • Feel free to use graphics, but be sure to credit Bookish Things and Tea.
  • Tag some friends to spread the love!

1: Gamecube- A classic that you want to read

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I am not much of a classic fan, I just don’t like the concept of considering certain books to be “classics” but this is the one that I actually really wanna read. It has a great synopsis, it sounds like a shocking, dark and deep, twisted story and I am dying to read it. So, if you have read it, please let me know your opinion of it in the comments.

2: Wild World- Your favorite second book in a series

Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld. This is the second book in the Leviathan trilogy and it was just amazing. While the action in the first book took a little time to build up, this one started the story with a bang. I loved the whole plot and I couldn’t put this book down because I was waiting…waiting for something to happen. This was the book where I actually felt like these characters had finally found a place in my heart.

3: New Leaf- The best new release you’ve read recently 

Um, hehehe…

How about none? 😳

4: City Folk- Your favourite book that is set in a large city

From what I know, Manhattan is a pretty densely populated city in and one of my favorite books, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, takes place in Manhattan. I could be wrong here, about Manhattan being so large, so correct me if I am 😅.

5: Isabelle- A book that’s been with you through thick and thin

Harry Potter…

6: Bells- A book that’s rich with charcater

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. From the most annoyingly dumb to the most inspiringly smart characters, this book series leaves nothing. There is a wide variety of characters that this series has to offer.

7: Pitfall- A book that you wouldn’t mind never seeing again

The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales by the Grimm brothers. This is an exceptionally long book and I only read it because my sister bought it for me. It was a really boring read and half way through I had to DNF it. So, I wouldn’t mind never seeing this book again.

8: Fossil- Your favorite history/historical fiction book

I guess it’ll have to be All The Light We Cannot See. I can’t get over Werner 😭. He’s the best! And this book was such a comfort read. I loved everything about it. World War 2 rocks! 🤩 Wait, no-

I Tag:

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed it! Lemme know a book that’s been with you through thick and thin, down in the comments 😀.


Welcome to my site where I talk about all things bookish and from time to time, put my writing skills to test.

73 thoughts on “The Animal Crossing Book Tag |what is this even supposed to be 🤨?|

    1. I know right!
      I’ve not played this game, but I think it must be good, it sounds popular.
      We can buddy read it 🤓… as if that has ever worked out. And I don’t know, I think the series might be a little kiddish for you 😂.


  1. I loved The Picture of Dorian Gray! 🤩 (Except for one excessively boring chapter that was basically just descriptions of gemstones and books 😅) It’s a slower book, but beautifully creepy, and it really makes you think!
    Also, Manhattan is part of New York City, which I’d say counts as supremely big for sure 😉
    And Harry Potter is also my thick-and-thin book.
    And The Grimm’s Fairy Tales are awesome! You just have to keep rereading the good ones and skip all the duds. But still, I love those stories! Those were the bedtimes stories I grew up with 😍
    And what is it with all these people loving Werner? He’s a Nazi! He did so many evil things! I do sympathize with him and think he’s a very interesting character (and, admittedly, one of my favorites), but I have a hard time fully loving him…
    And finally, I’ve never played Animal Crossing, either. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, when I read it, I’ll probably just skim-read that chapter, so thanks for the warning 🤓. I really do want to read it!
      And yay, manhattan is big, I wanna go to there 🤩.
      Harry Potter for sure is our mutual thick and thin book.
      Oh, I remember I liked a few of those tales, one was named “the shroud” and it was very short but it was so deep it still manages to make me think. I think all the tales were just great in their own weird, twisted way, so maybe if I’m bored I’ll read a few again?
      Hey, he may be a Nazi, but he was the most relatable human being ever! His inner conflict!! And he was just a child, he saw a chance for a bigger future and grabbed at it. Had I been I his place, I would’ve regretted my choice too but he felt like he was doing something for the first time. And his character development! 😍
      Oh thank goodness I’m not alone in not playing this game 😂.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, admittedly, even I think some of the fairy tales are stupid – there’s this one about a straw, a piece of coal, and a beanstalk… 🙄 But, yeah, most of them are great! So I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to you giving them another chance 😊
        And yeah, I also love how Werner is so relatable, and think his inner conflict is shown amazingly well! I definitely relate to him, but knowing that lots of people acting like Werner is what made it so easy for the Nazis to stay in power makes it hard for me to truly 100% love him. But that makes All The Light We Cannot See even better, in my opinion! 🥰

        Liked by 1 person

  2. All the light we cannot see is so beautiful
    All the light we cannot see is so beautiful
    All the light we cannot see is so beautiful
    All the light we cannot see is so beautiful
    All the light we cannot see is so beautiful
    All the light we cannot see is so beautiful
    All the light we cannot see is so beautiful

    Liked by 2 people

    1. All the light we cannot see is one of the best things ever.
      All the light we cannot see is one of the best things ever.
      All the light we cannot see is one of the best things ever.
      All the light we cannot see is one of the best things ever.
      All the light we cannot see is one of the best things ever.
      All the light we cannot see is one of the best things ever.
      All the light we cannot see is one of the best things ever.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t know
        I don’t know
        I don’t know
        But i’m still not stopping
        But i’m still not stopping
        So you’ll have to end the chain
        So you’ll have to end the chain 😂😂
        If you want if you want

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m pretty sure animal crossing is a Nintendo thing and idk it reminds me of that game where the chicken had to cross the road
    Also I have heard that a picture of Dorian Gray is supposed to be very good it’s in my tbr as well

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You HAVE to read The Picture of Dorian Gray…it is like one of my favourite classics (haven’t read many classics but…). I love this book. Like it is the exact definition of dark and twisty. I have already read it twice…
    And thanks for tagging me btw! I seriously haven’t played Animal Crossing (games aren’t my thing) but it (the tag I mean) seems like fun. Thanks again.🦋
    And I just cannot believe you just wrote ww2 rocks?….I- I-…rocks in what sense? The killing or hitler dying??
    And I still have to read Percy Jackson. I feel like the only one who hasn’t..
    And you have to read The Picture of Dorian gray…it is one of the very few classics I could read without falling into a deep state of where am I? and what did I just read?
    Thanks again for tagging me! (just imagine someone playing tag at school and then the other says thanks for tagging me…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, I will read Dorian Gray, it sounds like an amazing read 🤩.
      Oh, I play games but like, the mobile and outdoor ones. I haven’t played a single video game in my life. And my pleasure, I can’t wait to read your answers!!
      World War 2 rocks in the sense where it has so many cool books featured during that time period 😍😆.
      Yup, I will read it!
      Oh, the other kids would probably look at them very weirdly and think they’re outta their mind 🤣.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree. I also really like historical fiction and i occasionally read it. Havent read many buy i really liked those that i did so yeah thanks ww2 for all the inspo you gave authors to write amazing books👏
        Me too…havent played a single video game my whole life…and people think i am weird…
        And read dorian gray…its lovely😅

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, I haven’t read that many either but I’m making my way through a lot of them slowly. WW2 is very interesting to read about, and I always come to know about something new all the time.
        Thank god, I thought I was the only one 😂. I mean video games are so popular!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. “World war 2 rocks!” Ah. yes. Definitely. I am laughing-
    Parry Otter is the book that has been with me through thick and thin as well!
    Hehe, fun post! Word war 2-
    I can’t- XD

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy Potter is also the book that has been with me through thick and thin.
      You know happy potter and the pickle stone.
      Happy potter and the chamber of laughing gas.
      Happy potter and the chortling prisoner of azkaban.
      Happy potter and the goblet of laughing potion.
      Happy potter and the joke of the phoenix
      Happy potter and the cackling prince and finally happy potter and the giggly hallows…
      I cannot believe those books have been with me all this time…😢

      Liked by 2 people

    2. It does, doesn’t it 🙂?
      Orry Patter is indeed the book that has been with majority of bookworms through thick and thin.
      I didn’t think it would be that funny 😂. Thanks so much, Blue!!

      Liked by 2 people

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