Posted in Ramblings

Lemme know Various Types of Teenagers You All Know and I’ll React!

I need help 😭. All my posts get posted without my permission 😭. I don’t even know how they get posted until I realize that they are 😭. And they’re always incomplete drafts 😭😭. Just last night an incomplete post got posted 😭. Has some alien hacked my WordPress account or is my ghost dominating me 😭?

Okay, I’m sorry about that, I’m done crying. But I’m so mad 😭😭😭. Moving on…

Hey Pals!! So, Riddhi @ Whispering Stories does a lot of “Types of…” posts and I think it’s a very trending idea both in blogs and YouTube and people tend to enjoy it. So, I thought I could give this a shot too!

What I’ll do is a bit different though. Instead of listing down the types of teenagers I know, I want you all to suggest some particular types of teenager that you think are interesting enough to share. Thanks to Devang @ Fat Guy Workout for suggesting this idea, and in this way I could get others to share their views.

For example, the one I personally really want to talk about is the “double-minded teenager” aka the one who somehow manages to make every normal statement into a dirty one πŸ™ƒ. These people are just weird, but fun too.

So, basically you can suggest various kinds of teenagers you know down in the comments! From ones that come right out of a typical romcom to ones who break all stereotypes, leave off nothing! And then later, I’ll make a post where I’ll react to all of them!

I hope not too many get repeated though because then it might get dull. And since you’re all very interactive and awesome people, do send in some interesting stuff because we wanna have some fun 😈.

Eagerly waiting for your responses!


Welcome to my site where I talk about all things bookish and from time to time, put my writing skills to test.

118 thoughts on “Lemme know Various Types of Teenagers You All Know and I’ll React!

  1. Now I get it. I read β€œ5 ways my blogging self is different from my IRL self” but there was only 3.

    These are the types of teen I know:
    The β€˜Easy Street’ Teen
    Do you know a teenager with a casual approach to life? Sometimes a bit too much. They put in the least effort on just about everything, but they’re also likely to be easy to get along with. They just go with the flow. Don’t let their lack of motivation get you down.

    The β€˜Fire Cracker’ Teen
    These kids are the angry ones. They seem to go off at anything, often unprovoked. They can’t take a joke and read offence into the most innocent actions. These teens can be noisy too, with lots of yelling and slammed doors. So annoying, you can’t even read a book peacefully πŸ™„

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The know all type!!
    These types of teens, possibly know everything (or they pretend to know).
    These types of teens are those who are good at various things.
    Also, how about not save in drafts for a while, save in as a word file or something.
    Wp is doing something different with me though, my comments disappears randomly. I comment on any posts and it’s gone πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
    Wp doesn’t want me to interact 😡

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for commenting!
      And um, I’ll try saving on word but I write most of my posts through my phone so haha.
      Maybe wp puts those comments in the spam folder? That happened to me too.


      1. I don’t know πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
        It’s happening in most of new bloggers I’m visiting and also with few of those I’m following.
        It’s hard for me to appreciate blogger’s work without commenting. With just like, it seems like I’m dropping like without even reading.
        You see the length of this comment? πŸ‘†πŸ»
        I’m willing to Converse and learn.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I mean, if you’ve never commented on a person’s blog, there’s a chance you’re just not approved- like my settings are set to that- I have to approve a comment in order for it to appear in the post when a person’s commenting the first time

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ahh you chose a nice “Types of..”, its really neededπŸ˜‚

    The Wanna-Be Teenagers-
    The ones who just want to fit in everything and be the famous person in school. Like the mean girls, they love to wear trendy clothes and pick up on weak students. They always show off how beautiful they are , how they can score more than ANYONE else and how rich their family is. They can’t stand seeing other students accomplish something that they’re famous for.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I have oneee moreeeee

        The ‘teacher ki chamchi’ teenager-
        The one who has to always be close to all the teachers, and always wants appreceation from them about how organised they are and how good they score. They are the first to raise their hands up when the teachers ask help for some work, or ask some question.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. The double- minded ones are so much fun na?…they have this magical power of taking every conversation into some other direction πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
    So this is the one I love and we all need themπŸ₯ΊπŸ€žπŸ’•
    The HOW YOU DOIN’ teens!!!
    They are the JOEY to our livesπŸ’•. Yes they are a tubelightπŸ˜‚ but we can’t imagine a life without them either!!!
    They are so sweet and soo loveable that you can never think of hating them. Whenever you are low, they are the one’s to always cheer you up. βœ¨πŸ’ž

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I already know I am laughing when this post gets published.

    I have one.. The “if mom says so” Teens
    These are totally dependent on their parents and have zero control over their timetable. We can meet for an hour if mom allows me. I will eat panipuri only if/when mom says so. .. etc

    Liked by 3 people

  6. The Romantics – The “Geet” type from Jab We Met – “mujhe toh bachpan se hi shaadi karne ka bohat craze tha”. Be it imagining romantic scenarios with a classmate or a fictional character!

    The Bookworm – always got their nose buried in a novel and their mind is in a place far far away. It’s hard to pry them away from the bookish world.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Wp is so damn glitching…my comment just disappeared in thin air huhπŸ˜‚πŸ˜€
    Double- minded one’s are so fun. They have this magical power of changing the direction of every conversation πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
    So this is my most favourite and we all need then!!!!
    The HOW YOU DOIN’ teens!!!
    They are the JOEY to our livesπŸ’•. Yes they are a tubelightπŸ˜‚ but we can’t imagine a life without them either!!!
    They are so sweet and soo loveable that you can never think of hating them. Whenever you are low, they are the one’s to always cheer you up.βœ¨πŸ’ž

    Liked by 1 person

  8. THE “mind your own business,freak” teenager
    They have so much attitude
    That even if you say HI to them they will give you a look like “who the heck are you”
    They too mean…..people say that they are not mean they are just INSECURE
    Such a bizarre combination…never heard of itπŸ™‚πŸ˜πŸ€£

    Liked by 3 people

  9. The complainers!!!
    This work is hard
    The food is soft
    The mango they packed is not how I like it
    The swing swings slow
    The grass is too green
    The sun is too dull
    The carpet is too soft
    The wall is too smooth
    Come on man
    Ignore and move on
    There’s no need to complain so much
    Nothing is perfect weirdo!!

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Lmao…..WordPress is the next level specimen of all specimens, so some ish is bound to happen πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚

    Okay…..uhm, types of teenagers, where do I begin? So, here are the following types:

    1. The “Diva Queen Supreme”: the one who’s always super fashionable and has a ton of attitude that’ll make you roll your eyes waaay too much
    2. The “Picaso Junior”: the extremely talented painter/sketcher who should be world famous ASAP
    3. The “Tubelight”: this poor soul is always clueless no matter what scenario. Sometimes, you can’t even tell if they’re being genuine or if they’re doing it on purpose
    4. The “Centre Stage”: these people seek attention 24/7, and 365.25 days. They’ll do absolutely anything to be at the centre of attention, even if nobody really cares.

    That’s all I have for now. Great post idea, by the way!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think I’m probably the tubelight here πŸ˜†. Not that i don’t know what’s happening around me but i sometimes i just miss the point of a conversation or something.
      Also yess, wp glitches so much!
      Thanks for sharing, I’ll react soon πŸ˜€.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. The insecure ones! They literally have to be right EVERY SINGLE TIME and panic if they went wrong and somebody noticed that they went wrong because they are SO scared of being judged that they inadvertently end up making fools of themselves.
    (sorry, i know someone exactly like this from my coaching institute and i don’t really like her hence the burning Passion against this type lol)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. 1. The popular teens: like who have every single student’s phone number and have a thousand followers on instagram.
    2. The grunge teens: Like the dark, goth type teens who are unbothered and always lay low?
    3. The typical teen: who does everything teenager-y (no better way to say this, i hope you get what i mean)
    4. The lovesick teen: who got their heartbroken but fell for another person soon
    5. The still-a-toddler teen: they’ve gotten a physical growth spurt, but still a toddler within.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. The points I wanted to write, people have already written itπŸ˜₯
    But here are some more for you –
    β€’ That self-centred kid in the group who makes every topic about him/herself.
    β€’ The one who judges everyone despite doing the same things
    β€’ That one kid who is on everyone’s friend list.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. The one whose a fussy eater!
    Making excuses all the times and wanna eat junk food instead of what their mom has made.
    The savage ones
    The one who’s hard to everything and everyone is afraid of them. Ah! I like these ones, they’re mostly backbenchers! 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Ooooo!! That’s a preetyy greatt ideaa dudeeπŸ’«
    So I wanna suggest the types of teenagers who act like adults like dude you are of our age act like one and they just are arrogant and mean and they think so they are growing up but dude you’re just being *meann* and ridiculous and with that extravaganza ultra attitude is just toooo muchhπŸ™„πŸ™„
    Well that was mine and tell me which do you think I amπŸ€”I am wondering typically nowπŸ˜©πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanksss lah!
      Also, this sounds like a rant πŸ˜‚. Who do you know acts like this way, I’m curious hehe?!
      I think you’re the gossipyy teenager, who tends to find immense joy in finding and sharing juicy gossip 😈.
      What about me? What kind of teenager u think I am?


      1. Ooo I’ll tell you later who I think is this type of teenager 🌚 and well thanks for the gossipy compliment🀭- I’ll take it as a compliment🌚 -and well you πŸ€” mmmm I think you are the one who wants to do fun stuff and actually wants to live it up like bunking classes and all!!but just a thing beside it that you are good at studies like this real good😩and that sometimes is ummmm..
        Well forget it hahahha yeahh so this is itt!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. aah ok.
        and ikrrr, i wanna do all the weird and fun stuff lol and yup cant deny I’m good at studies πŸ˜†, but that’s not supposed to be a big deal.


  16. 1. Those teenagers who are always giggling over stuff like idiots and shipping people with others. They always talk about the most useless stuff.
    2. Those ones who are always saying, “Yo, I’m a genius.”
    3. Those ones who dream about ships in books.
    4. Those who just love to annoy others like hell.
    5. The ones who make excuses about their homework to not submit them.

    P.S. These are all written from experience. I basically just described my classmates.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Okay, so well, my brain can only think up weird and dark categories at the moment, so these are mine:
    1. The Aloners: These people are the ones who seem cheery and all the time, have a bunch of friends, but actually are very alone, since they don’t really have that one person to confide to
    2. The Drama Queen *insert strikethrough on queen* Tueen (Get it- Teen +Queen?): Their life is dramatic as hell! Like they’ll be dating one person for two years- but they’ll have fights and stuff. Then the other person leaves them and in a month they find a new person- not to mention the numerous proposals they get on the side *meanwhile me and my single ass crying in the corner* Not only that, their friend group is exceptionally complicated too, but let’s not get into it…
    3. The influenza (that pun is genius): These people are basically influencers or are trying to be on, but they either get into vices like smoking and stuff or they get other people into stuff and are bad like the flu (a.k.a- influenza)
    4. The PJ teen: The ones who’d be in their PJs all day long did they not have school or other social commitments they had to go to (read: were forced to go to)
    5. The couple which is actually not dating: These people like each other, flirt with each other, sit at parties together etc. etc., but aren’t dating.
    6. The Always-Tries-To-Set-Me-Up: Everytime I meet these people, they are like, ‘what’s up with your life?’ and I am like nothing just plain old dry life and they’re like don’t worry I’ll find you someone or exclaim- how are you not dating (extremely flattered by that, but people usually you know, don’t like me)
    7. The Love Triangle: I mean, do I even need to explain? One guy with two girls pining over him, but he likes only one of them or one girl with two guys pining over her but she likes only one of them. Then they have a revelation of sorts and are like oh man no I like this other person!

    Did I just write a post as a comment? Yes. Yes I did. Am I a genius of sorts? Yes. Yes I am

    Which brings me to the eighth and final category:
    The genius: The genius is a person who always ALWAYS knows an extra fact. Now, I like to know the occasional extra fact as well- but this person knows one on EVERYTHING! But it’s kinda cool, because the class gets diverted and the period gets wasted as the teachers almost always has a different view on the fact and there’s this whole discussion.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Damn this really is our batch isnt it also now whatever I was thinking of doesnt matter cuz this covers EVERYONE ooooo no wait I have one more
      The PARTAAAAAYYY animal This teen Parties like the world is ending tomorrow also they somehow dont have a curfew and are always sneaking out, like how?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It is, it is.
        Ooh, who’re we talking about here?
        Also can we include the teens who are disrespectful to other older teens, Nehal? Because I feel that’s a very important category

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Ohk so there are almost every type of teenager in your comment section, NehalπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜›
    Meanwhile the nerd side of me-
    I agree with all of themπŸ˜πŸ˜‚ and I’ll come back to read your post on them!!!✌🀣

    Liked by 1 person

  19. H’m I can think of moody, desperate-for-love teens,coz I encounter many of them every day…they simply brood over the fact that their friends are in relationships and want a girlfriend/boyfriend desperately. Such fellows are absolute idiots,I think,who think girls/boys will simply start liking them,but the good thing is that they aren’t completely mad either,and have some semblance of normalcy within them(I’m glad they do)
    I can also think of the chatterboxes who can’t stop talking, pestering teachers and students alike with their irrelevant doubts and uninteresting, irritating talk respectively. I found out very soon that they do it coz they’re lonely,and get bullied/got bullied for no reason at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Another one sorry….

    That teenager who thinks they own you
    When you don’t even like them!

    They feel bad when you hang out with other kids because they have no other friends besides you!

    They take literally every single thing to heart
    (I’m sarcastic so I can’t stand people who take things to heart)

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Another one cause I say so πŸ™‚

    The β€˜Roller-coaster’ Teen
    This is the one most people think of when they picture a teenager. With up and down moods, they can leave everyone else walking on eggshells. This type of teen loves company in their moods, so they’ll often try to drag others in to feeling the same way. Resist! No good can come from both of you being grumpy old grouch’s. This is literally my elder sister all the time.

    The β€˜Fusspot’ Teen
    These ones are hard to please. They tend to be drama queens or kings too, always wanting other people to make things just right for them.

    The fashionistas and The Rebels
    I don’t need to explain these, do I?

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Wait, I got more. I am feeling very creative rn so..

    The background teens
    Always behind the crowd or doesn’t care about the drama. Most likely to forget there names. 0-4 friends at most. Could be in the FBI for all you know πŸ‘€

    The fangirl
    These kinds of people are fangirls. Very descriptive, huh πŸ™‚βœ¨

    The Mute.
    β€œHow was school honey?”

    β€œDid you enjoy soccer training today?”

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I have only one for now, but I’ll think more and later-fy it.
    The Ones that ‘OHO OHO’ as soon as they find out you like or are dating a person.

    I’m absolutely done with these people and they annoy me so freaking much and frguoxn

    Liked by 1 person

  24. The β€œI’m-Not-Pretty” Teens
    A teen who says stuff specifically to get compliments or praise or validation. When done in moderation and when support is actually needed, that’s totally fine, but when fishing for validation is your identity, that’s when it’s unhealthy

    Liked by 1 person

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