Posted in Ramblings

Anyone got any assumptions 🤓? | 600 Follower Special |

Oh. My. Gawwwwd (that was my unsuccessful attempt at a Friends reference 🙂).

Yes, I hit a freaking 600 followers! 🤩

I am so so thankful to you guys for this accomplishment! I wouldn’t have been anywhere if not for so many loyal followers and friends I have made on WordPress, who show their constant support and love 😌😭❤️.

As a 600 follower special post, I decided to finally do an assumptions post. I had always wanted to do it but never did because I didn’t think anybody would be interested 😐. But I hope I am wrong!

Anyway, we are doing it now! So drop whatever assumptions (if any) you have about me down in the comments, and I’ll make a post soon and answer all of them. I do hope you come up with some weird, interesting ones too, just to spice things up 😁.

I hope that you participate in this and have fun. Can’t wait to read your assumptions about me 😀.

Ps– I might be a tiny little late in responding to comments. I’m not at home so I’ll respond probably late night or the next day.


Welcome to my site where I talk about all things bookish and from time to time, put my writing skills to test.

146 thoughts on “Anyone got any assumptions 🤓? | 600 Follower Special |

      1. Finarance 🤧😭❤️
        God I forgot to write to u.
        I left wp. I won’t post. But u will read all
        The posts and comment and talk to u all ❤️👀

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh my sweet Riya!!😭❤️
        This is heartbreaking..!
        I will miss your writings very much!!
        But I should say thanks to god..! He made me to see you comment in nehal post..! I’m happy to see your comment dear..! But know that I will always miss you!! Take care my sweet friend..!❤️💕💕

        Liked by 2 people

  1. OH EM GEE!!! Yayy, congratulations Nehal!!!!!! Cheers to 600 and so many more!❤️

    My assumptions are:
    – your favourite fruit is an apple
    – you are the funniest person in your group
    – you love love love fantasy
    – you love Taylor Swift
    – your favourite subject is science
    – your favourite icecream flavour is chocolate
    – you like to sing when you’re alone

    Well that’s it I guess! Can’t wait to see you answers!✨

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on getting 600 followers!
    Sooo, assumptions… I am bad at those, but here goes…
    You like teasing everyone a lot.
    You are that person in your friend group who cares about everyone, and you are there for them all the time… (Ayy, mom friend)
    You love pranking everyone (though people might not suspect this), and you like to smile like ze grinch when you do something mischievous…(evil rebel kid, you must be)
    If people insult your fandoms, you murder those pansycakes when they are asleep.
    You hate lizards.
    When someone tells you ‘you are awesome’, you reply with ‘I know’… (hahhahaha)
    When your friends don’t reply to your texts, you spam them.
    You praise yourself, but you don’t actually mean it… aka. You are modest.
    And you are a banana. (:

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations!! 600 is such a big number, indeed 🥳🥳
    Ok…… for the assumptions, I’ve only got 4 of them. Here they are:

    1. You dislike maths and physics, but like literature and biology.
    2. You’re seemingly average heighted or slightly tall.
    3. You see yourself as a cat lady with a huge book collection in about 10 years.
    4. You like playing the electric guitar more than the acoustic guitar and you know how to play at least 2 pop songs

    Hope these assumptions are good 😜😂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wuhuuuuuu. Congratulations, girl!!!! So so proud. ❤️

    Assumptions –
    1. You are a nerd who pretends to not be one 🤣
    2. You trouble your sibling a lot 😛
    3. You love eating chocolate 🍫
    4. I’m you favourite blogger 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Nehal!!!!🎉🎉
    My assumptions for you are:
    1. The day you are copying this on your post, that day is a better day than the others you have had in a while
    2. You are sleepy when you are typing the post
    3. Your ultimate fictional crush is Leo Valdez
    4. You do not like cats.
    5. You like eating and trying new kinds of foods
    I am sorry I can’t come up with sth good at the moment, so these are mine for now!
    Congrats once again!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations, Nehal! You totally deserve those 600 followers and many, many more! 🎉🥳🎉🥳
    Here are some assumptions:
    1. Sometimes your friends won’t clue in on the fact that you’re being sarcastic and end up giving you these really weird looks, which you just contemptuously ignore. Because what’s the point in using sarcasm if you have to explain it to other people?
    2. You prefer speaking in Hindi, but writing in English.
    3. You actually used to love math, but some horrible teacher ruined the subject for you. You will return to your love eventually, though! 🤗
    4. The Sorting Hat wanted to put you in Slytherin, but you wormed your way into Gryffindor instead.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations Nehal!
    I dont have many assumptions but here they are anyways:
    1. You are a very sarcastic person amd always answer with sarcasm when you are angry.
    2. You rarely scream at people but give them the ”look” and they find it very creepy
    3. Before you speak you measure your words, think them over and then tell them to that other person.
    4. You probably spend time doing other things rather than studying but you never fail any test.
    4. You are probably cautious when it comes to trusting people so it takes you a lot of time to trust somebody. (and people find it weird)
    5. You are an introvert at most times but sometimes you switch to extrovert when it comes to some people.
    I guess that is all!😊
    Congrats again on 600 Nehal!💙

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Narwhale Narwhale, what a surprise? How did you beat me to this you pesky sarcastic bookworm?
    Chop, chop, I won’t do any sappiness. ‘Cause Nehu, we do sarcasticness, not sappiness :D.
    1. When you copy paste, this perfect bit of text, you’re wondering how lucky you are, that you got to meet the wonderful Sep.
    2. You’re know wondering how highly I think of myself.
    4. You definitely didn’t notice I ate up number three.
    5. You have a irl crush but you’re too stubborn to accept.
    6. You know it’s boards year, yet whenever you decide to give up on books, you can’t.
    7. You have tons of irl friends who know you blog.
    8. You think I’m amazing.
    9. You’re so sick of copy pasting all these, that you just want to * hide *

    with this, I rest my case. Thank you for your time of the day.🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1k coming soon💃💃
    My assumptions-
    🙂 This is ur life line
    U like history and hate bio
    U live in I phone’s half eaten Apple logo
    U r introvert

    Liked by 1 person


    My assumptions–

    1. You secretly love Shakespeare
    2. You also love-hate the emoji:🙂🙂
    3. Boards and exams are forgotten when a book exists(this is me too!)
    4. You love desserts

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Dude, I’m running out of different ways to say ‘congrats!!’ 😑
    1. You think Olivia is overrated but love her anyway
    2. You think I’m awesome
    3. You already love Keefe
    4. You haven’t been reading much fantasy
    5. You want to steal my beautiful watch 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Yayy! Congratulations Nehal! 🥳👏👏 You deserve more, honestly. Remind me to say “I told you so” when you reach 1K.

    Anywho, here are my assumptions :

    1. You love the HP books, but aren’t a die hard Potterhead. Like, you wouldn’t dream of…say, chanting satanic rituals to merge with the universe where Hogwarts exists and go avada kedavra some Voldemorts. 😀

    2. You’ve watched at least one movie before reading the book.

    3. You have way too many gifs to share that you just can’t, because storage capacity is brutal. (We all hate WordPress media storage levels, don’t worry)

    4. You’re frequently perceived as being sarcastic even when you genuinely aren’t (Happens a lot)

    5. You don’t like to celebrate your birthdays very much (Too many greetings and things…The presents aren’t bad, though)

    6. You love spicy stuff more than sweet things.

    7. You know full well that I’m the single most important being in the entire universe. 🙂

    Again, Congratulations!!! Here’s to many more soon! 🥳💕

    And here’s a cookie for navigating through this mess of a comment! 🍪

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Seriously? That’s it?? How boring! Assumptions? So what will happen to the people who know you really well? Like, me the great. I’ll think about this and get back to you later, one day, like someday in the next century. Anyways, Congratulations Super Pagal Nahal!!! I’m so glad nobody has stolen my nickname for you!!! I hope you reach 1K+ followers real soon!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Congratulations friend 🥳🥳💖👍

    My assumptions about you:
    You’re a potterhead
    You have a cool sense of humor
    You’re a wild card😅😅
    You’re an ambivert
    You don’t trust easily
    You’re a critical thinker
    You love reading

    That’s all I can think of….Happy new month💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hey congrats girl!!! I know you’re running out of ways to say thanks so you don’t really have to 🤣 and I don’t know where this confidence is coming from but I think I can answer most of these assumptions lol 😁
    Now take mine…
    1. Hindi is your favorite language.
    2. You’re very happy today.
    3. You don’t miss your school at all (now I do the same)
    4. You’re bored answering my boring assumptions.
    5. When I was on hiatus you realized how much you love me😜

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Congratulations on 600 followers Nehal!!!
    Here’s my assumptions:
    1. Umm, you are a human (see? I’m so smart! I will definitely get that right)
    2. You dream of becoming an author
    3. You are from North India?
    4. You’re an introvert
    5. You love apples

    Sorry, that’s all I can think of, and I don’t really know you that well, so… these might all be wrong 😅
    But congratulations again!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! ✨📸🤯
    Cant believe my stupid life made me miss this moment 🙂😢
    Proud of ya and here’s my assumptions:

    – U have a thing for curtains. 🙂 (Idk where that came from)
    – U hate soft toys. (Idk where this came from either)
    – U love Chins 😍 (we both know where this came from 😂)
    – U hate other people with the name “nehal”
    – 12.53 is your favourite time. Am or pm.
    – world assassination is a dream come true ☠️
    – u hate earphones 💢
    – ur favourite attire is that of a clown 🤡
    – and lastly u don’t know what to do with my comment 😂

    Okay. Have fun!! And congratulations once again ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  18. ok i will have to commetnt here!
    You are a totally frank person. Maybe you are a tom boy ( I am not sure). ofc you are a bibiophile. For looks i am not sure, it always turns out different😃😂
    You are a very cool and no drama person.😃

    Liked by 1 person

    Okay, so (tries to stop freaking out);
    You’re weird. You love to read. You’re ‘cute’ xD
    You live in a house shaped like an apple.
    You like worms.
    You’re Indian (Well duh)
    You have BLACKISH BROWNISH hair
    You wear wayfarer glasses (I do too!!)
    Well that’s all I could guess!!

    Liked by 1 person

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