Posted in GIF-y Love

GIF-y Love #1

Hey Pals!! O. M. G. As you can probably see, I created my Bitmoji yesterday and I have been practically jumping up and down since then. I feel like flying on a Hippogriff. How does it look though? Should I remove the glasses because that honestly adds such a hint of maturity that you won’t associate with me in real life.

Anyways, it’s time to start with the first week of GIF-y Love. Yayyyy!!!!

So basically, GIF-y Love is a weekly tag started by Tiction and me.

  • Every Wednesday, a prompt would be given by us on our blogs.
  • You’d have to find your favorite GIF related to that prompt and post it any day of the week you want along with your most recent emoji on your blog under the tag name- GIF-y Love. We too would share our weird favorite GIFs
  • You must tag both the creators of the tag- Tiction and Nehal.
  • The next week, we’ll give a shoutout to our favorite GIF among all of yours.

(The results and next week’s prompt will be posted on Tiction’s blog)

That’s it. Make sure you laugh a lot in the process, too!

The Prompt for the Week is:


So go ahead and find your favorite GIF that shows total cluelessness (that’s a word, right?). Oh, and just in case this got you wondering, “idk” is indeed the prompt for the week and NOT our attempt at being clueless, more like our attempt at being clueful (shush, we know that’s a word too).

Here is my favorite GIF related to the above prompt:

This is the part where you realize that Snape’s got style too. Haha, I know it’s a fun one and really cool too.

That’s all. We await your weird gifs participation in the tag. Thanks for reading. Stay safe. Ciao!!

Posted in GIF-y Love

GIF-y Love | Introducing a new, weekly tag |Collab with Tiction @ Fictionally Crazy

Hello there, pals! How you doin’?

Haha, yes, this was definitely a must!

So the thing is, me and Tiction here, being the big weirdos that we are, have a kind of an unhealthy obsession with GIFs and emojis (our readers i.e. you, would understand) so we were like, WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! And, thus, here we are, introducing you all to a new weekly meme!!

And here we go again!!

So, wait, WHAT? Haha, here are the details!

  • Basically every Wednesday, we’ll publish a prompt on our blogs and you’ll have to have a favourite GIF related to the prompt and then publish it on your blog under the tag!
  • You must also mention the most recent emoji you used!
  • And, you would also have to link back to us, and yes BOTH OF US, because we’d really love to see your likes!
  • And then, WE will post OUR favourites along with OUR favourites among YOURS!!
  • Also, we have decided to make it quiteeee short, as you can see, because we understand how much efforts it takes to write a long, long post. The tag, we believe, won’t take long, because as we can see, almost every person LOVES GIFs and have their favourites already aside. So, make sure you participate and enjoy yourselves!
  • It is open to all participate and to invite more of an audience, you can even reblog it on your site.
  • We will post the first prompt on Wednesday.

OOH, and pals? If you have any questions regarding the tag or even some suggestions or anything for that matter, drop a comment! It’s lovely to see people comment!

That’s all. We await your weird gifs participation in the tag. Thanks for reading. Stay safe. Ciao!!

Posted in Book Tags, Book Tags and Challenges, Bookish Stuff

The Never Have I Ever Book Tag

It’s time to find out how many of the weird reader things have I actually done. Today, I am doing The Never Have I Ever Book Tag.

I was tagged by the lovely Cherelle @ cherelle the bibliophile. Thanks a lot Cherelle for tagging me. She has a wonderful site with super interesting bookish posts you should not miss out. Go give it a visit.

The Rules:

  • Link back to original creator:  Madame Writer.
  • Link back to the person who tagged you or the blog where you first saw this tag.
  • Answer all prompts.
  • Add one more prompt of your own.
  • Tag at least 5 people.
  • Don’t lie.
  • Have fun!

Never Have I Ever…read a later book in a series before reading the first book

I have! I have read several of Enid Blyton’s book series all out of order. Like The Famous Five, The Secret Seven and The Naughtiest Girl. So is the case with the Wimpy Kid books by Jeff Kinney. With these series, I always used to read whichever book was available to me without caring about the order These books don’t actually require to be read chronologically. Though these events occur sequentially I can still read the books without being spoiled for the other ones that come before them.

Never Have I Ever…burned a book

Thee dareth doth such a crime on thy books 😱!?

Never Have I Ever…read a book I knew I would hate

I have (super reluctantly) read Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I had always wanted to read this series but I thought I should wait. And when I finally felt it’s time, I just couldn’t bring myself to because: a) I knew practically the whole story, b) I didn’t like the concept, and c) I had a feeling that I wouldn’t like it. I read it, didn’t like it, dnfed it, end of story! 

Never Have I Ever…wrote a fanfiction about my favorite books

I have never written a fanfiction but I have several times created some in my mind. I just take certain characters and imagine stories about them. Oh, and what stories they are 🤭! 

Never Have I Ever…loved a book when I was young and hated it when I got older

I have never felt that way. My liking towards a book might have decreased but I have never actually hated something that I used to enjoy.

Never Have I Ever…dressed up as one of my favorite literary characters

I have never done that 😭! Why!!??

Never Have I Ever…hated a book by an author I love

Yeah, I have! But I didn’t exactly hate it, because that it is a really strong emotion. I just disliked it: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan.

I went into this book with very high expectations but much as I wanted to enjoy it, I could not like it and I felt bored throughout the whole story. I still haven’t continued with the rest of the series because I just don’t feel like I will enjoy it that much but I still think that there is a possibility I could still give the rest of the books a try.

Never Have I Ever…gone into a bookstore to buy one book and come out with many more

I’ll tell you guys the truth then.

I seriously don’t want to answer this one because this is the most unpopular and I don’t want anyone questioning me as a reader. But frankly, I haven’t done that.

The thing is that I rarely go to bookstores and most of the books I buy are all online or I read them through an app name Storytel or I sometimes even download the PDFs of books from Google so I don’t exactly go to bookstores to buy books. I also have my school library which has always been of great help so such an instance never occurred with me.

Never Have I Ever…read the end of a book before reading the beginning

Ahh, yes I have, it’s so fun

I have indeed spoiled myself by looking at the last pages of books without finishing them. At times, I just can’t resist the urge to know what’ll happen later so I flip several pages. I am definitely guilty here.

Never Have I Ever…read a book without the dust cover

I have done that. When the dust jacket of a book is really annoying me, causing me trouble in holding it, I remove it.

Never Have I Ever…skim read nearly half a book

Of course, I have! I have done that to quite a few books because I just don’t get the point of reading anything I don’t like. I really love to skim read books, I can easily skip several paragraphs (and at times pages) to get to the interesting part.

My Question: Never Have I Ever…spoiled a book for someone.

I most certainly have! Ahh, the vindictive pleasure that comes because of the indignant look on someone’s face after spoiling them for a book can not be attained any other way. It’s just so… fun!!

My score: I’ve done 7/12 of these things. Not bad, huh 😉?

I Tag:

To all the wonderful people that I have tagged, including you, there is no pressure in doing the tag if you don’t want to. And do check out these lovely people because they have awesome sites.

That’s it. Did you like my post? Let me know if you have ever read the ending of a book before the beginning in the comments.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe. Ciao!!

Posted in Awards, Ramblings

150 Followers, 1000 Likes, My Bestie’s B’day and an Award Nomination🤩 (Thank You, Pals!!)

Hey Pals!! I would like to give you all a BIG THANKS for making this possible. I am thankful to each one of you. Recently, I hit more than 150 followers as well as 1000+ likes!!

Ahh, thank you so much to all for supporting me 🤗. You are all great friends and talented, wonderful people. Thank you so much 💖.

And today is also my best friend Ipsita’s birthday 🎉. I know she isn’t on WordPress but she’s one of the most special people in my life and I just couldn’t not talk about it here when I am posting on that day.


I am going to visit her today and we’re gonna have so much fun after a full eternity 😌. We’ve missed each other so much and I am soooooo excited!!!!!! Best wishes to my cute bestie in every fields of life 😀.

I am also pleased to announce that I have been nominated for The Black Cat Blue Sea Award by Riddhi @ Whispering Stories. Thanks for the nomination Riddhi. She has an incredible site, she even has her own weekly tag, Just Some Bibliophilic Things, which is pretty cool. Make sure you check it out.

What is the Black Cat Blue Sea Award

This award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody, and no matter how many viewers they get, make an impact on a reader. This award is an expression of gratitude to the nominee. It should be awarded to anybody that you choose deserves it, and it doesn’t mean that they must have hundreds of followers and likes.

The Rules:

  • Anybody nominated can nominate seven (lucky number) other bloggers.
  • Anybody nominated answers three questions.
  • The questions you ask while nominating can be any three questions.
  • If any of the questions asked are offending or the nominee simply does not want to answer them, the nominee does not have to answer them to earn the award.

Answers to Riddhi’s Questions:

1. What is the one (or more) thing you want to do before you die?

I would love to give myself a haircut, and that too a silly one, at least once 😁. Has anyone here done that?

2: Are you an extrovert or an introvert? What is your favourite thing about being an extrovert or an introvert (whichever you are)?

I think I am an ambivert. It helps me share as much as I think I can without sharing too much, so that’s something I like about it. Though I am not sure if I am an ambivert 😅, I just prefer to think I am.

3: If you could trade lives with the fictional character would you do it? And if you had to, whom would you choose?

I am not sure I would. I would love to but not many fictional characters that I love are vegetarians 😂 and I can’t change that about me. But, if I exclude that, then I guess I would happily trade places with George Weasley so I could be Fred’s twin (disregarding the tragedy) or I’d be Annabeth because that way, I would be able to date Percy 😍. I would also enjoy living the life of Adèlaïde from The Doldrums as I would have fun time with Archer and Oliver and would get to eat those delicious croissants (the egg less ones, of course).

I Nominate:

This is such a fun and unique award, I wish I could nominate more than seven 😦. But I’ll stick with the rules. So here are my nominees:

  1. Soni Didi @ Soni’s thoughts
  2. Snoopy Doo @ snoopydoo77
  3. Divya Didi @ The Mindful Homemaker by Divya
  4. Madeline @ Bookish Mutant
  5. Jheel @ fantasybookworm!
  6. Claudia @ Claudia Reads Books
  7. Lucy @ Sunstar Books

Questions for my Nominees:

1: What is the one thing you want to do before you die (I’m gonna steal your first question Riddhi because it’s fab)?
2: Name one of your guilty pleasures.
3: If you could star as the main character in a movie, which one would it be?

That’s all. Thanks for reading and supporting ❤. I literally had so much fun answering these questions. I hope my nominees have fun answering mine (if they do the award). Let me know one of your guilty pleasures in the comments, irregardless whether I nominated you or not. Stay safe. Ciao!!

Posted in Book Tags, Book Tags and Challenges, Bookish Stuff

Just Some Bibliophilic Things #1- Fictional Lands I Would Love To Visit

Hey Pals!! Today, I am participating in Just Some Bibliophilic Things hosted by Riddhi @ Whispering Stories. I usually used to post a comment but today, I decided to actually make a blog.

This is a really cool weekly tag and each week you have to answer a certain question related to books, tell your own opinions about it. For more details, click here.

Question for this Week: Which bookish fictional land you would want to travel to? Why?

Hogwarts Hogwarts, Hoggy Worty Howgarts!! I would love to go there and learn wizardry, imagine just being able to eat those delicious treacle tarts 🤤. I would love to shop at Hogsmeade and sneak off to the kitchens from time to time. Won’t it be just great to meet fellow students like us. The problem is: My Hogwarts Letter hasn’t arrived 😫.

I would also love to go to The Shire. It’s just such a calm and peaceful place, I bet I would feel so elated being in the company of nature. Bilbo Baggins’ house would be such a comfortable place to be in 😌. And I could read novels all day long in all the peace and quiet.

Next stop is Camp Half Blood. Even though I am pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to survive in the world of monsters for more than two hours, I just wanna go there and have a look at everything.

Yeah, I would like to visit Valhalla for once, get a good chat with Alex, Sam and Magnus, and get to watch all the fighting, resurrection and feasting with my own eyes. I wouldn’t wanna stay long there, but I would love to see it all with my own eyes 👀.

I don’t remember the exact location of this graveyard but yeah, I really want to visit it. Well, as creepy as it may sound but I would just love to visit every place in this graveyard. I would love to explore the home of Bod and see all the sites where he had his crazy adventures.

That’s all for me. Let me know a fictional land you would want to visit in the comments. And don’t forget to participate in JSBT. Thanks for reading. Stay safe and…

Posted in Book Reviews, Bookish Stuff

Magnus Chase Trilogy by Rick Riordan- Spoiler-Free Review (Plus a Riddle for all its fans)

Hey Pals!! Today, I am doing a spoiler-free book series review of The Magnus Chase trilogy by Rick Riordan. I read this pretty recently and here are all my thoughts on it. Keep reading for a riddle in the end 😉.


Magnus Chase is a homeless guy who is living rough on the streets of Boston when one day he is reunited with his unpleasant uncle who informs him that he is the son of a Norse god. Just the typical Rick Riordan stuff, but wait! In this book, Magnus dies fighting a fire giant and wakes up in Valhalla (this isn’t a spoiler, don’t worry) where thousands of fallen warriors prepare for Ragnarok. Magnus must go on a quest to find his father’s long lost sword or there will be…. you guessed right, DOOM!


I absolutely loved the characters of this series. I love Magnus and his sense of humor. Blitzen and Hearth are just as fabulous and I obviously really like Sam and Alex.


Each book has its own different plot but I seriously thought that the conclusion of this book series was a little less impactful. After all that the trouble that the characters had to go through, the ending was sort of too straight-forward, the characters were easily able to complete the task they set their journey for and there weren’t many memorable consequences.


Of course, Uncle Rick’s writing was again to-the-point and just enough to make me visualize what was happening. It was way too hilarious too. I guess that for me this was his most humorous series.

What I Loved:

The books are super hilarious. This author should be given an award for never-ending humor. Also, I really liked reading about these Gods as I have a good background on Norse myths, so it was fun to read about the stuff that I actually already liked. At times, I felt that a few facts were a bit altered but that could be just various perspectives on the myths.

Another thing that I really liked is the diversity of the characters. We have Sam who is a Muslim and takes part in the fasting during Ramadan. Then we have Alex who is a transgender, and the way that character is written is just mind-blowing. This author has done an incredible job in portraying various things and making them suitable for a wide audience and that’s something I really adore.

What Could’ve Been Better:

The ending of the final book could’ve been a lot better but I still enjoyed these books a lot.

My Rating

4.5/5 Stars

Suggestion to those not well-versed in Norse Mythology

This series has a lot of characters from the Norse myths so if you don’t know a lot of them or you know them through the movies, I suggest a book named Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman.

This is a great book to start with and it will really help you understand what is going on in the series without having trouble with memorizing new characters. This book provides a number of tales of the gods and frost giants. It would help in better understanding of the story.

As promised, here’s the riddle 👇:

Jokes aside, I do indeed have a riddle for you all (is that what I should call it, a riddle?), here it is then:

What’s the name of the fire giant whom Magnus fought in the first few chapters of The Sword of Summer and which of the Nine Worlds is he associated with? The comment section awaits your answer 😀.

That’s it. Thanks for reading. Let me know in the comments if you have read this trilogy and what were your thoughts on it. And if you haven’t, do let me know if my review helped you. Stay safe. Adiós!!

PS: I have decided to refer to you guys as “Warlocks” instead of what I usually use which is “Pals”. What do you think about that? Let me know in the comments 🤗.

Posted in Awards

The Liebster Award

Hey Friends!! I am super excited to announce that I have been nominated for my 2nd award on WordPress- The Liebster Award. And not just by one, but three fantastic bloggers 😍.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Dakshali Didi @ A Thought On My Plate for considering me worthy enough for this award. You guys should definitely check out her site. She writes some really beautiful poems.

The second person who nominated me was Hema Didi @ Frameofsoul. She takes part in various writing contests and is one of those people who will say something in their posts and you will have to stop reading and take a moment to ponder on the bitter truth in it.

The next pal who nominated me is Riddhi @ Whispering Stories a.k.a. my “kindred spirit” because we are just so much alike. She posts bookish content like me and I think her posts are super interesting. We discovered each other pretty recently and have been friends since then.

The Rules Are:

•Thank the kind person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
•Answer the 11 questions given to you.
•Nominate 11 people and ask your nominees 11 questions of your choice and notify them that they have been nominated.

Answers to Dakshali and Hemalantha Didi’s Questions:

Q: Introvert or Extrovert? Reason?
A: I would say an Ambivert. I like sharing my thoughts a lot but definitely not all and not with everyone. It basically depends on my mood. So I guess I am a bit of both.

Q: Which is your favorite movie and why?
A: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 😂. You want reason: Loded Diaper!! Also, in Bollywood, I really like Sholay.

Q: When is your birthday?
A: My special day is on 20th March😀. So, make sure you wish me then 😉.

Q: Who are your favorite bloggers?
A: Most of the people I follow are great bloggers so I can’t really say.

Q: Describe yourself in five words?
A: Kind, short-tempered, hard-working, emotional and bookdragon (yeah, because I think bookworm is an understatement😜).

Q: What’s your ambition?
A: I would love to be a journalist.

Q: What’s special about the country you live in?
A: I love how India is a diverse country. There are so many religions and each religion accepts each other and even celebrates each other’s festivals. I also love how uniquely our country celebrates festivals. India’s culture is the best too. You should definitely visit our brilliant nation. #ProudIndian✌🏻

Q: Favorite destination outside your country?
A: I have never been outside my country but I would love to visit Greece.

Q: Best advice by your best friend?
A: Has my best friend ever given me good advice? For sure! Do I remember what it is? Nope 😑! Not at all!

Q: Your best way of passing time?
A: Fun Fact: I love reading novels😉.

Q: Tell one of your good memories.
A: When I got my Harry Potter box set on my 11th birthday as a gift from my sister, I figuratively died of joy 💓.

Answers to Riddhi’s Questions:

Q: What is your favorite book series?
A: Harry Potter has always been the closest to my heart 💖. It is just utterly fantastic.

Q: What is your favorite song?
A: It is really hard to choose one because there are like a thousand fantastic songs out there. But I love everything by Taylor Swift and the One D boys. As for Bollywood, I can happily say my favorite one is a Punjabi song called Badnam (at least, for now).

🤟This song never gets old, it’s still fantastic🤟

Q: Favorite movie?
A: Again, Sholay in Bollywood and Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules in Hollywood.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I have a healthy addiction to novels 📚, can’t live without them. I love playing guitar 🎸 though I am still learning and I love writing blogs 🖊.

Q: Dogs or Cats?
A: I don’t really know. Kittens are cute though 🐈.

🙈Stop looking at me with those cute eyes🙈

Q: Favourite genre?
A: Fantasy, sci-fi and dystopian.

Q: One genre have you never read?
A: I couldn’t come up with anything much except adult romance. Lol😅!

Q: Favorite month of the year?
A: March! Not just because it’s my birthday month but also because it is the month where the climate is pleasant. It’s neither sweltering hot nor biting cold. It also brings… Holi!!

Q: One thing that people love about you?
A: Probably the fact that I read a lot of novels.

Q: One character you would die for?
A: Leo Valdez because he deserves to live more than I do. He has been through a lot and I all I wish for him is happiness.

Q: Which habit of yours do you want to change?
A: I wish I was not so short tempered. I also wish I had the ability to handle stuff without taking much stress. I wish I didn’t worry so much about the future at times.

My Nominees Are:

Nathi @ Wayward Scribbles
Dulcy @ Stories
Mahesh Mali @ Awesomengers
Ashes @ Potterheaded Foodie
H.R. Phoenix @ penable
Aanya @ Soaring Firebolt
Rishika @ The Ethereal Unicorn
Garima @ Blogger Garima
Dimple @ Miss
Sofii @ A Book. A Thought.
Harsh @ Cryptic’s World

Question for my Nominees:

•What is one thing in life you learned the hard way?
•One subject you always flunked in school?
•Best memory of your school?
•Ever called a teacher “mum” by accident?
•Do you think you will be able to make it out alive in The Hunger Games arena?
•What is one unpopular opinion you have about anything?
•Are you good at taking selfies? If yes, then I am serious need for some tips! So help me.
•What is going to be one thing about this pandemic that you will reminiscence later?
•What is your favorite emoji?
•What do you do when you feel really bad about something?
•Recommend us a novel we have probably never heard of that you loved.

That’s all. Thanks for reading. Let me know your favorite emoji, irregardless whether I nominated you or not, down in the comments. Stay safe. Ciao!!

P.S. My favorite emoji is “🙂” this smile here (for now). I use it with my friends when I am being sarcastic 😜. Lol!!