Posted in Book Tags, Book Tags and Challenges, Bookish Stuff, Tags

The Reading Habits Book Tag

Hey Pals!! Today, I am gonna be doing The Reading Habits Tag! Now, when I read I might look like a typical bookworm, with nothing special, just trying to find a comfortable position to sit and making weird faces from time to time when the characters make dumb decisions, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do a tag to analyse my reading habits!

I was tagged by Rabhya @ Rab’s Bookish Planet. She has an amazing book blog and she posts almost daily which is so cool, go check it out! Now, let’s get started with the tag!!

1: Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

No, anywhere the lighting is maximum is my place to read, but I usually prefer reading on my bed. As for audiobooks, I read them anywhere…except of the bathroom of course, but I would read them in the bathroom too though I don’t think my mom would be too fond of that idea 👀.

2: Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Bookmarks all the way 🤩! I have this really huge collection of both DIY and readymade bookmarks and I treasure it so much, so bookmarks it is!

3: Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/ a certain amount of pages?

90% of the time I have to stop at the end of a chapter. It just feels right, you know? But sometimes I don’t mind stopping in the middle of a long chapter at the end of a scene break.

4: Do you eat or drink while reading?

Um, I can do both while reading but I usually don’t eat while reading a physical book. I sometimes eat my lunch/dinner while listening to an audiobook though 😁.

5: Multitasking- Music or TV while reading?

No way! I can’t focus if something else is playing around me. I don’t mind if somebody else is watching TV but I can’t do it myself.

6: One book at a time or several at once?

I can’t even play one Scrabble game online, I need to have more than one. So, you can very well imagine that it is not in me to read only one book at a time. For instance, I need to have an audiobook started even when I am reading a physical book because audiobooks provide good breaks from physical books. And I have one physical book on hold at almost all times so I read more than one book at a time.

7: Reading at home or everywhere?

Everywhere baby! This one time I literally downloaded the epub of a book on my cousin’s phone while we were standing inside a shop just because I was bored. And I literally read standing there while she bought her clothes. Later, she did do a very good job of making sure I understand just how much of a psychopath she thinks I am 🙄, but what do these non-readers know about the struggles of us readers?

8: Reading out loud or silently in your head?

In my head. Until two years ago, I used to lip sync to whatever I was reading and people always looked at me weird but I got rid of the habit, thankfully.

9: Do you read ahead or even skip pages?

Y–yes, I do that 😶. But it’s only when the author has started to ramble on and on about the scenery or some other stupid stuff that I couldn’t care less about. And yes, I have skipped pages too, but that happened in only one or two books.

10: Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

Until a few months back, breaking a book’s spine used to bother me like my life depended on it. But then sense was knocked into my head somehow and I realized eh, who cares? A book will still be a book no matter if the spine is broken or not. So, it doesn’t matter to me anymore.

11: Do you write in your books?

But it’s there…

I’m gonna assume this question is not supposed to refer to textbooks because ahem, my textbooks have notes scribbled in them like craaazy. My novels though don’t have anything written on them, except of The Final Empire which I have scribbled a little bit on…I kinda regret it now but well, can’t do anything about it now.

I Tag:

That’s all for me. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Let me know if you’ve ever skim read a book or not, down in the comments 😀.

Posted in Book Discussions, Bookish Stuff

5 Tips On How To

Hey Pals!! Today, I am here to share some tips on How To Read More Books. So, I did a really similar post like this a few months back, and I shared some 5 tips on this subject. Today, I will share 5 other tips.

Click here to check out my other post: 5 Tips on How to Read More

1: Create the atmosphere

Choose the quietest place at your home and sit on a comfy chair, just relax, make yourself comfortable and beautify your surroundings a bit so that they make you feel at ease and motivate you to read. Light a few candles, bring a mug of coffee, change the light settings, even click photos of your books and you will feel a sudden urge to read.

2: Watch and/or make Booktube Videos

Booktube is a big community out there on YouTube that uploads bookish content. These people have great videos up there that interest readers worldwide. From monthly TBRs to monthly wrap ups, from tags to challenges, from recommendations to least favourite books, they have bookish videos ranging from anything to everything. Watching their videos will be the biggest motivation you can get.

For a start, here are five cool and popular Booktubers to check out:

  1. Jessethereader (my absolute fav, bubbly and fun)
  2. Merphy Napier (great for writing tips)
  3. Hailey in Bookland (diverse book recommendations)
  4. A Clockwork Reader (honestly, her unpopular opinions are the best)
  5. PeruseProject (another one for good book recommendations)

3: Set a reading goal

This is actually one of the simplest and yet one of the most effective ways to ensure that you read more. Set reading goals for every month of the year or for the year as a whole. Knowing that you still have to read a number of books to finish the goal, you will constantly pick up books and it would become a habit. But make sure that goal is neither too short (otherwise it would be futile to set the goal in the first place) nor too long (otherwise reading would become forced and would cause stress).

4: Make your account on Goodreads

Goodreads is the app that every reader needs (well, not exactly, but it’s helpful). It helps you not only to keep a track of all the books that you have read but also to get personalized recommendations. There are millions of readers on Goodreads writing reviews and having book discussions and you could be one of them. People’s reviews about books will help you decide whether you should read a particular book or not, not to mention that you will be able to establish your own opinions of books. It will make sure that you complete the reading goal for the year by keeping a track of all the books that you want to read and such a motivating platform will definitely help you read more.

5: The art of DNFing Books

DNF stands for did-not-finish. This term is used when you don’t finish a book you are reading. If you are not enjoying a book that you are reading, there is practically no need to finish it. Put it down and pick another book. It would save a lot of time, energy and would allow you get to a book you might actually enjoy. And I know full well how hard it can be to DNF a book, but here is a quote that might help you: So many books, so little time.


JUST KIDDING, don’t do that. LOL!!

That’s it! I hope this helped you 😀. Do let me know how if benefitted you and tell me if you liked my tips and if you would suggest the same to a friend. Thanks for reading. Stay safe. Adiós!!