Posted in Book Discussions, Bookish Stuff

Discussion Post: Drawbacks of Reading Multiple Books at the Same Time

Hey Pals!! Today, I am going to be talking about the drawbacks that I come across as someone who reads multiple books the same time.

Number 1: You eventually fall down 😞

Some people feel bad for reading only one book at once, others feel bad for not reading only one book at once. Some people consider reading multiple books at the same time an art. Me- I think it’s not an art or talent, just something you do because you want to. And though, I mostly read more than one book at once, because I have commitment issues when it comes to books, I have come across some things in this “art” 😜 that actually trouble me. Here they are:

1: It makes me appreciate each book I am reading less

When I read multiple books at the same time there are usually those two books that are just F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. So naturally, my main focus is on those two books. And though I do read the other books too, I feel like they aren’t that good, which is true, but the thought comes from comparing those books. So when I finish that less good book, I don’t know what was bad about it but I still find it hard to give it a good rating. One month later, I realize that it was actually a pretty good book 😑.

2: It makes me DNF perfectly good books

This is something that doesn’t happen if I read only one or two books at the same time. But when I read five to six books at once, I usually don’t like every one of them and that is the major reason for me to DNF them. DNFing books is, in my opinion, pretty good. But if it happens because I am not interested in a book just because I am reading better books than that one, then it makes me feel bad for doing it.

3: It delays the amount of time I would’ve taken to finish a book if I had read it as my main focus

Since I am not focusing on that particular okay-okay kind of book, it takes me a longer amount of time to finish it than it would’ve taken me had I not been reading it along with my instant all time favorites. And it’s really frustrating when I take a lot of time to finish a book. Sometimes, it’s taken me moooonths to finish a book due to this reason 😐.

4: It makes me easily forget what happened in the last few chapters of a book

I would stop reading that particular meh kind of a book for a week and when I would eventually return to it, I wouldn’t be able to remember what happened in the last few chapters. This makes the comprehension of a story hard because I forgot why a particular character just acted a certain way. Now, I don’t forget everything but I forget those little details that would add so much more to a story had I just remembered them. This is the by far the worst disadvantage especially in audiobooks because sometimes Google doesn’t have chapter summaries of the less known books so I can’t even Google what just happened.

😭The Struggle is Real😭

That’s it guys!! These were all the disadvantages that I could think of. Despite all this, I know I will still read multiple books at once 😁. Yeah…it’s a bad habit I have and can’t get rid of. But hey, it helps my reading slumps!!

What about you? How many books do you read at once? What are your thoughts on reading more than one book at the same time? Let me know in the comments.

That’s all. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Stay safe. Ciao!!


Welcome to my site where I talk about all things bookish and from time to time, put my writing skills to test.

81 thoughts on “Discussion Post: Drawbacks of Reading Multiple Books at the Same Time

  1. Lovely post Nehal! Nah, I only read 1 book at a time. I am used to that thing actually. Plus I am a fast reader and can finish the book in 2 days( Max ) so I don’t need to read 2 books at the same time.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Ur welcome!! Oh really?? It doesn’t matter btw. It should matter that u are enjoying the book and imagine it and not aim to finish it ASAP! no wonder I always remember my 2000 books stories and authors.😊😀🥰

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great discussion Nehal! A while back I used to read multiple books at a time then I changed to one book because I noted that I couldn’t concentrate on all the books I was reading. You have some really good points here, and I did experience some during the time I was reading multiple books. I even did a discussion of how many books readers usually read at once; it’s on my blog if you’d like to check it out. Lovely post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Tess, thanks for the comment!
      It does make us less focused on all the books we are reading. It’s so cool you actually changed the habit now 😃. Wish I could do that too 😂.
      Oh naice, sure I’ll check it out.
      Thanks a lot 😄!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It depends on the book..if it’s an interesting read I stick to reading one book at a time because like you said I appreciate the book less if I read two together. But if it’s a slow book – I switch things up with another book or switching to short stories. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is 200% accurate! Especially with reading 2 books simultaneously, you’ll lose track of what you’re focusing on.

    Which is why: reading one book at a time is better (even though I have the tendency to forget the plot after a year or so 😂😂)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Haha, these were fascinating insights! I am very much a one-book-at-a-time kind of person. There might be a few exceptions – I will listen to an audiobook and read a physical book at the same time, or if I have to read something for school I’ll squeeze it between something I’m reading for fun, but I think the highest number of books I’ve ever read at once was three! So it was really interesting to see some of the struggles you multi-book-readers have 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I use scribd! I used to have audible, but you pretty much only get two books a month, so I feel like scribd is much better for people who read a lot, like me 😊 The price is about the same, but you get as many ebooks and audiobooks a month as you want (though you do have to return them and they don’t offer every title), so it’s worked really well for me!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. So true!
    I tried reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Lord of the Rings together, and let’s just say it didn’t go that well.
    So then I just read like 5 chapters of LoTR and I thought let’s just finish PJ first. So then here I am in Heroes of Olympus 😁
    Great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great post! I usually read one book at a time, which is a reason why I still have too many books on my tbr. But oncr I tried reading two books at a time, I ended up reading the one which was more interesting than the other and the other is still left onread

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I normally read 1-2 books at once. And if it’s 2, one is normally an eBook, with the other being a physical read. That’s what works for me.
    I couldn’t imagine reading 4-5 at a time!

    Liked by 1 person

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