Posted in Book Tags, Book Tags and Challenges, Bookish Stuff

The Selena Gomez Book Tag |Original|✨

Guess what! I came up with my Own. Freaking. Book. Tag!!

This only partly conveys the happiness I’m feeling right now

If Taylor can have a bunch of tags, why not Selena, huh 😁!? Selenators and Bookdragons unite!

Hey Pals 😁!! Today 😁, I Nehal 😁, am here 😁 to introduce 😁 a new book tag 😁- The Selena Gomez Book Tag. I created this tag myself, hope I did a fine job 😌. Let me know and don’t forget to participate πŸ˜ƒ. Here is how it works: 

Note: In most of the cases, the questions are related to the lyrics of the songs. Except in Wolves, whose question is based on the fact that this song was released after Selena’s 2 year break from releasing songs (correct me if I am wrong here).

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who tagged you and leave a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the tag: Nehal @ Books and Words
  • Answer the prompts.
  • Tag at least 5 people.
  • Just have fun! πŸ˜ƒ

Here are the prompts and my picks for them:

Love You Like A Love Song: A romance novel that is clichΓ© but you still love it

Maybe This Time by Kasie West. I could’ve gone for To All The Boys, but I have stronger feelings for this book as I read it pretty recently. This is the same old love romance that was obvious from the very first chapter. But it was just…so…

Rare: A book with a female protagonist unlike any other

Coraline by Neil Gaiman. This character seems a bit weird but she is kind of cool that way. I don’t like her that much but she dealt with all the mysterious stuff in her life really well. She felt a bit unrealistic at times but in a sense that added to the creepiness of the story. She said a few lines in this book that I actually really adore. So I guess she is a fabulous main character.

Look at her now: A character who suffered a lot (physically/mentally) but eventually recovered and is now at the better end of life

Nico from the Percy Jackson universe. Without spoiling anything, I can only say that Nico went through a lot and being the son of that particular god, he had to go though it all alone. He is a brave character and he suffered a lot but he at least got the person he deserved.

Wolves: A book that got you out of a reading slump

I’ll be honest. Most of my reading slumps are ones where I can’t read either because of school or because of the fact that books aren’t available to when I need them. So usually, after my tests are over, I read whatever book I feel like reading. But Wimpy Kid books are always helpful here.

It ain’t me: A character you used to like but not anymore

Clary Fray from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. In the first book, I really liked reading about her but in the next two books, she became one of the most frustrating characters I had ever read. She took insanely stupid decisions, acted selfishly and the love triangle was just…ugh!

Feel Me: A character you can’t bear to see with anyone else but you

Leo Valdez from the Heroes of Olympus. I love this guy a little too much and I can’t help but wish to meet him at least once. I really think we would make great friends, if not more. Love you, Leo πŸ’–.

Same Old Love: A book with an unoriginal and unrealistic romance

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson. I found this book really boring and the plot wasn’t anything new. It felt like every other fantasy novel out there. Many people love it but it just wasn’t for me. The romance was so unenthusiastic that I had to DNF this book.

The heart wants what it wants: A book you regret finishing because you miss reading it a lot

The Magnus Chase trilogy by Rick Riordan. This series is based on Norse Mythology and I have recently delved into the Norse world (or should I say worlds πŸ˜‰) and I love reading about these myths. They are super captivating and feel so real. This series made me laugh a lot and I recently finished it and I already miss reading it.

Back to you: A book you read again and again even though you have other books on your TBR pile

The Harry Potter books keep on calling to me again and again even when I am reading other books. The Wizarding World is just so fun to read about that I hardly ever get bored of revisiting these books.

Hit the Lights: A book that just made you forget everything else

For this one, I will choose The Girl With Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee. This is the true story of a girl who escaped North Korea. It shows her difficult journey in other countries  and I love it, this book is fantastic. When I read this book I just got so engrossed in the story that I forgot everything else. It was hard to believe that this book had a real story as it was so amazing that it felt fictional.

Tell me something I don’t know: A book people keep recommending you which you already have it in your TBR pile

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Many people say that it’s a great book and I should read it but some also say that its a bit complicated. So, it is in my TBR but I am just not reading it in the near future.

I can’t get enough: A book series/world you just want more and more of

Like I said before, give me as much as you can of the Norse Worlds. Give me tales of the cunning Loki and the mighty Thor, of the death of Balder and the birth of Kvasir. Give me everything from the beginning of the world to Surt’s fires at Ragnarok. I just need more of these fabulous tales so if you have some cool recommendations, do leave them in the comments for me to check out.

To keep the pages turning, I Tag:

  1. Riddhi @ Whispering Stories
  2. Aanya @ Soaring Firebolt
  3. Ashmita @ The Fictional Journal
  4. Lucy @ Bookworm Blogger 
  5. Rachel @ A Bookworm’s Paradise
  6. Fajar @ The Write Path
  7. Claudia @ Claudia Reads Books
  8. Ahaana @ Windows to Worlds
  9. Angela @ The Cat With A Book
  10. Cherry @ Cherry Blossom Books
  11. Cherelle @ A Bolt Out of the Book
  12. Naemi @ A Book Owl’s Corner
  13. Jheel @ Krisha’s Cozy Corner
  14. Alicia @ A Colorful Bibliophile
  15. Sam @ Literary Delirium
  16. Amodini @ Amodini’s Musings
  17. Abby @ Beyond The Read
  18. Prutha @ Confessions of A Music and Book Addict
  19. Julie @ One Book More
  20. Madeline @ The Bookish Mutant
  21. Tess @ Unbound Library
  22. Chana and Malka @ Paper Procrastinators
  23. Becky and Kayla @ A Couple of B’s
  24. You 😍!! Please please pleaaaaase do not hesitate to do this tag if you want to, I’ll be more than glad πŸ˜ƒ.

That’s all. Hope you enjoyed the tag πŸ˜€. Thanks for reading. Stay safe. Ciao!!

Ps: Alicia @ A Colorful Bibliophile came up with an awesome way to reduce the books in your never-ending TBR pile. Check it out here.


Welcome to my site where I talk about all things bookish and from time to time, put my writing skills to test.

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